Young People Information




Welcome to The Medical Group Children & Young People Web Page where you will find useful information about services the practice offers as well as other services available externally.

If you are a young person and have any suggestions on how we can improve our services for children & young people please let us know.

Children's Privacy Policy

image depicting young people


Reception Staff

We have a team of friendly receptionists who will be the first people you will speak to at the surgery. All of our receptionists are helpful and will point you in the right direction of who you need to see; GP or nurse. Sometimes they might ask you what your illness or health concern is, this is not because they are being nosey – they ask this question so that you are booked an appointment with the person who can help you the most. You do not have to answer the question if you think your problem is personal or may cause embarrassment.

All medical and personal information held by the practice and its staff is confidential – this means your information will not be shared with anyone outside the surgery or other members of staff unless this is essential as part of your care.


image of a young carer

Young Carers Charter

Are you a young carer? A young carer is a young person under 18 years of age who helps look after a family member who is disabled, physically or mentally ill or has a substance misuse problem.

We as a practice recognise young carers and believe that all young carers have the same rights as all other children and young people. We are working together with the The Bridge Young Carers Service to help young people access some facilities, services and support that is available in County Durham.

Please speak to a member of staff or a doctor if you would like more help and information about being a young carer.

If you do not wish to speak to anyone, please see all information that is provided on our Young Carers notice board in our reception area.  


Chaperones - bring a friend

If you feel you would like a chaperone present at your appointment, please inform the doctor or nurse who will be more than happy to arrange this for you, or you can bring a friend with you to your appointment.


Contraception & Sexual Health  

If you would like contraceptive advice please book an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses. We do not offer a coil fitting/removal service or implant clinic however the Practice Nurse can provide information about these services.

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in both males and females. Most of the people who have this infection will have no symptoms. If you or your partner remains untreated it can cause infertility. If you are concerned about sexually transmitted infections our Practice Nurses are available to speak with and if necessary can carry out screening.

image depicting contraception

More information about chlamydia is available on the NHS website


Mental Health

A great starting point to help you access support

Local Support

National Support

One Point: Advice and practical support across all aspects of family life.
Tel: 03000 261 111
Visit their facebook page
Kooth: Free, safe, anonymous online support for young people aged 11+
Humankind: Health amd wellbeing support for LGBT young people (15-24yrs).
Tel: 01325 731 160
Anne Freud Centre for Children and Families: Self-care to look after our own mental health
Investing In Children: A children's rights organisation, creating spaces to be heard. 
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust: Resources for schools and families
Rollercoaster Parent Support: Helping parents to support children with mental health issues
Tel: 07415 380 040 
Visit their facebook page
Childline: A free, private and confidential service where children can talk about anything
DurhamWorks: Supporting 16-24 year olds not in education, employment or training.
Tel: 03000 262 930.
Visit their facebook page
Headspace: Free tools around mindfulness and meditation
Recovery College Online: Educational resources for people experiencing mental illness Public Health England: Guidance on health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus 
County Durham Together Hub: Help when self-isolating/how to volunteer.
Tel: 03000 260 260.
MindEd: Safe and reliable advice about young people's mental health
Children's Social Care First Contact: Report a concern about a child's welfare.
Tel: 03000 267 979
Young Minds: Support for mental health during the pandemic 
TEWV Crisis Line: 24 hour service for young people experiencing a mental health crisis.
Tel: 08000 516 171
NHS: Get medical help near you.
Tel: 111

Remember your local school and GPs are available to help. You are not alone, we can get  through this together.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS offer a range of therapeutic services for children, young people and their families who experience emotional/mental health problems. Your GP can refer you to this service if it is felt appropriate and we advise you to make an appointment with your GP if you are suffering from mental health problems such as low mood, self harm, anxiety.


Drugs & Alcohol

FRANK is a website aimed at young people which helps you find out everything you want to know about drugs (and a lot of stuff you don't). For friendly, confidential advice, talk to FRANK.

Tel: 0300 123 6600   SMS: 82111

If you are suffering from a drug or alcohol problem or are thinking about taking drugs please speak to one of our practice nurses or GPs who can offer help and advice.


image depicting bereavement

Bereavement and Young People

Losing someone important to you is one of the hardest things to experience in life. If you're young, bereavement can be even more difficult. But support and advice are available to help you get through it.

Your teenage years can be a lot of fun, but they are also often an emotional time. If someone close to you dies, it can be incredibly hard. It can make you feel very alone, you might find that none of your friends have gone through anything similar and don’t understand or know what to say.


Your emotions after a bereavement

Grieving is a natural part of recovering from a bereavement, and everyone's experience of grief is different. There are no rules about what we should feel, and for how long. But many people find they feel a mixture of the following:

Sadness, shock (particularly if the death was unexpected), relief (if the death followed a long period of illness), anger, anxiety, helplessness, depression.

Time eventually helps these intense emotions subside, there are several things that can help you start to feel better. Looking after your health and talking to someone will help you get through this difficult time.


Finding support for bereavement

Talking about your grief is an important part of getting through bereavement.

If you've lost a family member, someone else in your family may also be good to open up to because they're likely to understand how you're feeling. A close friend can be a good listener and a source of comfort and support, even if they haven't gone through this themselves.

There are lots of other sources of advice and support available, including:

  • websites and blogs: such as Hope Again, a website for young people going through a bereavement, the Winston's Wish and Child Bereavement Charity websites also offer information and advice
  • helplines: such as the Cruse Bereavement young people's helpline on 0844 477 9400
  • your GP: especially if you're concerned you're not coping, might be depressed, have trouble eating or sleeping.
  • a teacher or tutor: you may be distracted or find it hard to concentrate at school or college for a while, so talking to a teacher you feel comfortable with can help them understand what you're going through and take a bit of pressure off you.